Waiting for the Korean escort to arrive with Malia.
Mom, Dad, and brother see Malia for the first time. So emotional!!! (The Korean escort's head was blocking Malia's face).
Kris got a hold of her baby girl and I'm betting hasn't let her go ever since!
The cutest, most adorable family. Don't they look cute in their matching shirts? I made them... :)
Already smiling and enjoying her family. She knows she is home!
The whole gang there to welcome Malia home. We were all wearing TEAM MALIA shirts.
Ez hoping to be Malia's new boyfriend. Hey, he digs the older chicks. (Malia is 2 days older than Ez and she arrived home just 3 days shy of her first birthday). AND...is Bella sticking her tongue out at me or Ez? Busted!
Bella knew how special today was. We've been talking about Malia for quite some time now and tonight when she prayed at dinner she told Heavenly Father thank you that Malia is home. SO SWEET, even if she is a tongue-sticker-outer!
Congratulations Rich, Kris, Kaden, Madison, and Malia! You are a beautiful family. Thank you for letting me be a small party of your journey!
I LOVE happy endings!!!
This totally made me cry. What an amazing experience. And Malia is gorgeous!!
WOW!! Malia is one lucky kid to have all that support and love. She is adorable and I am so happy for them. Love the shirts!!! Can you picture her someday looking back at those pictures and seeing all the love? Priceless.
That is amazing! This is the kind of story that pulls at the heartstrings. It is truly a miracle!
Another post to make me cry.
TY so so much! You have been a huge help throughout these last 18 months with papers and just talking! Your post made me cry I need to stop crying! Shes amazing and getting to share that moment with close friends was amazing! Thank you for everything! And hello the shirts were freaking awesome! We sure stood out in the crowd!
This just made me cry!!! Such a sweet story.
Ahhh made me cry. You can just feel the love...
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