Friday, October 5, 2007


Well, we got a phone call today saying that our baby will be born either THIS coming Monday or THIS coming Thursday. This is a whole month early from his due date and about 3 weeks early from what we have been planning. We are very excited and VERY nervous. The sudden urgency to deliver him arose after the birthmother's doctor appt. today in which they noticed that his intestines seem to be swelling more than before. We get our information third hand so I don't know too much about what that means except it obviously isn't good. We hope and pray for the best. After her appt. on Monday, they will either deliver him via c-section that day or wait until Thursday. So, ready or not, here he comes...


alison said...

wow! that's fast!

The Mudmom said...

YIPPEE...I am so excited for you. He is coming because he needs you now. You are his mommy and he needs his mommy. The baby and your family will be in our prayers that all goes smoothly.

Jami said...

That is so exciting!! We will be on pins and needles next week!!!

Leslie said...

We'll be praying for him and hope that all goes well! Congratulations. Maybe our babies will be born on the same day.

Tara said...

I'm excited that his is joining your family, but maybe not that it's "early". We will keep you, and especially HIM in our prayers...and hope that everything goes well.
Do you have everything ready for him? What does his nursery look like?

Erica said...

Let us know what you need help with!! We'll be praying that the brith and surgery after all go well. The Lord is sure blessing you guys, and that is amazing.

tamiz said...

wow!! That was a short pregnancy for you!! We've got you in our prayers too. Can't wait for you to bring him home!

KrisJ said...

O my goodness Im so excited for you guys and I will for sure be saying a lot of prayers for you guys and your new little guy!

Heather said...

Oh, how wonderful! I hope all goes well and the baby is okay. I can't wait to hear how everything is! I pray all goes well.

Tiffany said...

It's Monday, almost 5 p.m. Any word? :) Can't wait!