Saturday, March 21, 2009

24 hours of us time

Blaine and I enjoyed 24 hours to ourselves in Denver last night to celebrate his birthday, which isn't actually until Monday. Thanks to my parents, we were able to be kid-free. It was a lot of fun just focusing on us and why we like each other so much. :)

Yummo! PF Changs never disappoints!

Homeboy knows how to keep the pregnant woman satisfied! Cheesecake Factory AND Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. we ate ALOT during these 24 hours away! BTW, I shared!

And what do you know...more eating! Before we went home we ate lunch at an Argentine Pizzeria that we've always wanted to go to downtown. It was great!

All eating aside, I really am lucky to have Blaine as my husband. He works so hard for his family and although he is frequently gone with work, school, and clinicals, he always finds a way to let us know that we are his number one priority. He does so very much for us and I'd be lost with out him. I am blessed to have him as my husband, best friend, and father to my children. So here is to growing old together! Love you, Babe!


tamiz said...

I don't see no baby bump! I guess with my first pregnancy I was 6 mos. before someone dared to ask. With Jude I was a acosted at 14 weeks and not so pleased about it!

Bill & Tenna Allen said...

We're glad you could get away together. How fun!!!