Friday, January 18, 2008

Mind Your Own Business

So, I was talking to a friend who shall remain nameless. She had just taken her 6 year old daughter to the post office with her. Her daughter was home sick from school and so she looked a little disheveled. Anyway, she was minding her own business in line while her daughter was playing with something quietly. When out of no where, an old lady comments, "That's a beautiful child you have. Really beautiful. Is she autistic?" WHAT??? My friend could not believe someone was asking her that. "No" she responded. The lady persisted. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure". "Well, maybe it is hidden deep down", the lady says. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? The nerve of some people! I know this little girl very well and she is so far from being autistic. I just could not believe some old lady would play therapist in the post office line after seeing a little girl for about 30 seconds. UNREAL! So, it got me thinking...why do people think they have the right to say things like this to perfect strangers? Do they not realize how totally hurtful and offensive their words might be? Do they just not care? My friend wanted to get out of that post office line as quickly as possible. I wanted to cry for her when she told me.
Have you had random strangers say something totally inappropriate to you? How would you respond to a situation like this?
This got my blood boiling a bit so I thought I'd blog about it...


Lisa said...

How rude!!! That lady was totally out of line! Not only to make your friend uncomfortable and feel terrible--what if she had said that to someone who's child is autistic? I have a nephew who is autistic and the last thing my sister-in-law needs is for someone to make comments to her like that and have her worry more than she already does. When Chris and I were first married I had someone ask me why I looked so happy. I told them I was a newlywed. She chuckled and said, "Oh honey, this is your first marriage, it won't last long!" I think about that comment sometimes and wish I could find her and tell her that we have been married 11 1/2 years and happier than ever!! (Sorry for the long comment!:)

alison said...

That would just set me off for the rest of the day for sure! The nerve!

KrisJ said...

Ok so yes I have had a few of "those" comments. And I have been warned that when we get Malia that they will come every time we are out. I personally try to take things in stride and just think of people as being uneducated when they say STUPID things BUT if they start coming after my kid and I know people will I already have some smart mouth things to come back with!

Jami said...

I can't believe that!! I had someone in church ask me if Regan was okay because all she did was "lay lifeless in her carseat". Seriously people...leave the diagnosing to the therapists. PS..loved your article!!

Brandie Lyon said...

I used to nanny a little girl who had gorgeous, long, thick eyelashes. She was also bald until she was about 3yrs, so it really made her eyelashes stand out. Anyway, I was shopping one day and had her with me (people always assumed she was mine).
While I was holding her the lady in line in front of me was playing with her and stares at her eyes and then looks at me and asks, " Does she have her dad's eyelashes"
HOW RUDE!is all I have to say.

Heather said...

You know how I feel about this because of my blog, what is seriously wrong with people!

Melissa said...

Rude people. I don't get it. I just read your article in your last post. Beautiful. I'm sure it will help a lot of people going throught the same thing to hear your insightful perspective.

Wright ON said...

She was OLD I wouldn't worry about it ..Take it who it's coming from and don't give it a second thought.