Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Brave Bella, Chubby buns on the go, and YW hike

I chaperoned Bella on her pre-K class fieldtrip to the Butterfly Pavilion where Bella held Rosie, the tarantula, with out any hesitation. Her only stipulation was that she had to be on my lap while she held the huge spider. I was happy for how brave Bella was being but inwardly I was hoping that she kept Rosie far, far away from me.

And Cali is at that stage where she won't sit still for half a second for me to change her diaper. As soon as I have her on the ground with her diaper off, she and her cute, chubby buns are on the go and off to explore. I have to practically pin her down to get the next diaper on. I just couldn't resist getting a pic of her in action.

We went on hike with the young women for a recent activity. We had fun being outdoors, getting some exercise, and eating our sack dinners in a beautiful location. I love the girls and it has been fun seeing them grow up over the three years that I've been in the YW program.

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