So, Ez is 9 months now. This past month has been one of many accomplishments. He learned how to sit up with out assistance and he is now crawling (the army crawl). He has cut his first tooth and he is eating those little cereal puffs. We finally moved him out of our room into his own room and he is basically sleeping the night through (he goes down at 8, takes a bottle around 11 and then sleeps until 5:30 or 7 am). Moving him into his own room was a much bigger deal for me than I ever anticipated. Bella got the boot from our room at a mere 6 weeks old but Ez had just come home from the hospital at 5 weeks and I worried so much about him that I wanted him as close to me as possible for so long. But, it has been so great having him in his own room now and we are all sleeping better because of it. It is amazing to me that he was born with a condition that people rarely survived just 30 years ago. Now he is thriving and has the potential to live a long, and healthy life.
Bella spent the night at my parent's house Sunday night. She and two of her cousins had a great time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. I missed her like crazy all day on Monday but man, I got a lot of things done around the house with out her here! She said some cute things when she got back:
"Grace "frew" a boogar on Ellie. But, she didn't "frow" a boogar on me. She is nice to me."
And, "Ellie and Grace fought a lot. Heavenly Father doesn't want us to fight. I told them that."
She has been using her line about what Heavenly Father wants a lot lately. After I have used my "mommy means business" voice on her a few times this past week, she has said to me, "Heavenly Father doesn't want us to be mad." Yep, she is right.
Kids say the cutest things! Ezra is looking really great. Hopefully things have improved with his eating. Sleep is a WONDERFUL thing!!
i don't think jerry springer would be right--i think we need to talk to dr. phil! just kidding.
gotta love little girls who think they're in charge--i've got one too!
What a big boy!!! We watched his crawling videos quite a few times because the kids loved them.
Bella is such a doll also. It reminds me when Mettea said that she and Bella were EXACTLY the same except "she doesn't have boogers and I do!"
I just posted today that finally Kaia got the boot from our room also. It was kind of hard on me. I feel like she's my last baby and now she's in the next phase. It was tooo fast!
He really is doing amazing! I love seeing how healthy and happy he looks! And that Bella is just a doll!
Your kids are so cute. Love Bella's comments! I had to LOL at Blaine's Target idea. That would have been so funny! I can't believe Ez is 9 months!
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