Saturday, May 26, 2012
School's Cool but Welcome Summer Break!
All year long I've taken my turn with these other moms in teaching Ezra's first year of pre-school. It was a super fun year and I loved getting to teach and interact with Ez and his friends.
The Wow museum was our last field trip. That is one BIG bubble!
The last week of school was all about having fun! I helped at Bella's field day and I got to see every student come through as they did the 40 yard dash. Bella did awesome!
Blaine brought Ez and Cali to me before he headed to work so they (and Lyddie) got to race, too.
Ready, set, GO!!!
At the end of the day, the fire department came and hosed all of the kids down. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!
Here is Bella and her first grade teacher, Mrs. Steven. (It was hat day...normally Bella doesn't wear a hat to school).
And, this year we started a new tradition that we hope to carry on every year. On the last day of school, we all slept in, then got dressed and went out to breakfast. We knew Bella would be late to school, but we just said, "What are they going to do? Kick you out?" That got a laugh and Bella went off to her last day of school late, but with a smile on her face.
And, this is one of the kid's favorite weekend and now summer activities...turning the couches into a bed and having "sleepovers" together in our family room. I think staying up late watching the Disney channel might have something to do with it, too. I just know I'm going to be seeing a lot of this kind of disarray in my house all summer long and I am going to try to embrace the mess as part of something that makes my kids happy and unified and will be a tradition and fond memory that they will always look back on. So, WELCOME SUMMER!!! We are ready for you...Let the fun begin...
Essential Piece of the Puzzle Award
This month Blaine was given an award at work called, "The Essential Piece of the Puzzle". Only 12 people in the whole hospital receive this award a year and you have to be nominated by your co-workers to be considered for the award. Receiving it means that people appreciate who you are, how you work, and the impact that you have on hospital morale (employees and patients alike). It was such an honor for Blaine to receive it and for the kids and I to be able to be there with him. Blaine has always been "an essential piece" of MY puzzle and he sacrifices so much for us with his crazy work hours and overtime. I'm so glad to see that his co-workers recognize his goodness, too. WE LOVE YOU, Babe!!!
Love is in the Air...
Mom and Dad Allen celebrated 50 years of marriage this spring and the whole gang got together to celebrate! It was a very quick trip for us as we drove out on Friday and drove home on Sunday. I didn't even stop at Cafe Rio, it was so quick! But, it was so touching to come together as a family to honor Blaine's parents and to show them how very grateful we are for their example, their love, and their commitment to one another! Their whole posterity is blessed because of their lifetime of love and respect for one another. How lucky I am to be a part of this family!
There were dozens of cousins...
And a dance with Mom and Dad's old style music...
And a timeline game spanning all 50 years of their lives together...
And cake-eating, of course...
A family tree thumbprint gift...
And lots of great company...
And lots of laughing over how Steve's and Blaine's kids kept confusing them and going to the wrong dad...
And more laughing over how Rial somehow got all of the kids to call him, "Uncle Stud-muffin"...
And definitely lots and lots of love!!!
Happy 50th, Mom and Dad!!! We love you!
Mountain Biking Trip
In April, Blaine got to go on a mountain biking trip with 3 buddies. They went to Fruita, Colorado and Moab, Utah. They had an awesome time biking over 50 miles. I really don't know too many details of the trip except I know that Blaine came back looking like he had gone to war. I guess Slick Rock really is, well, um, a slick rock. Good thing he wore a helmet and next time I hope he wears body armor! With all that he does and sacrifices for the kids and I, I'm glad he has a sport that he enjoys so much and that he can get away every once in awhile to enjoy some healthy recreation.
More Catching Up...
This spring Ezra and Bella both played soccer. I know that I am a bit biased but I thought that they were the cutest little soccer stars on the field!
Bella got to play on a team with two of her best friends, Kara and Grace.
We usually went straight from gymnastics practice to Bella's soccer game and I think sometimes she got a little confused at to what sport she was doing!
Bella really fell in love with soccer and much to our surprise, was totally aggressive on the field. I had to laugh at myself for how "into" her games I got. I was totally one of those moms yelling and cheering from the sidelines. It caught even myself off guard! I guess it's easy to cheer for a sport that I actually understand.
Here is Bella at the district wide art show where her clay ladybug was on display.
This is the Disneyland jar that we started in December. We've all been good about putting change into the jar and choosing not to get something here and there and adding that money to the jar, also. I love that when we go to Disneyland the kids will really feel like they had a part in earning this trip.
At our garage sale, the kids sold candy and lemonade to add to the Disneyland jar.
Boy, they clean up well!
This is one tired little girl!
And one happy little girl.
And sometimes Cali and I just need to enjoy some chocolate strawberries together!
And here I am with the kiddos, plus Kara, at an adoption awareness race that FSA (Families Supporting Adoption) put on. Blaine had to work and it was on a very cold and rainy Saturday BUT it was sooooo much fun! Bella ran the kids 1 mile "fun run" by herself and I ran the other two in the stroller. I hope to support this race and this cause every year...afterall, it is through adoption that I am so blessed as a mother!
Recently I got to meet my future sister-in-law and help her as she plans her wedding. We visited the venue where the wedding will be held and we wedding cake tested.
It was a rough job but SOMEBODY had to do it! Thanks for allowing me to be a part of this, Meagan! Rial and Meagan will be married in October.
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